
Getting started

To get started the first thing you need is (by default) a golden hoe. This will be your tool to create land claims. Holding the tool will display your current claim blocks and the amount you used.

To create a claim now right click on one block to select a corner and on another block to set the other corner. If it was successful you will get a message that a claim was created, else it will tell you why the creation failed. Alternatively you can also use the command /flan addClaim to do that if by some reason you prefer that method.

Resizing claim is done by right clicking on one corner of a claim and then on another block to set the new corner. To check if a block is claimed you can use the inspect tool (default is a stick).

Customizing claims

With your newly created claim your belongings should now be safe from other players. But there is a lot more to it than just that. Standing in a claim and typing /flan menu a gui will open with following options:

  • Edit Global Permissions
  • Edit Group Permissions

First global permissions: Here you can specify what other players can do inside your claim and what not. There exist a plethora of permissions for nearly all your needs.

Now onto group permissions: A group is… well a group you assign players to that have custom permission. Group permissions override the global perms so you can make certain players e.g. able to open chests while the rest can’t. A newly created claim already contains 2 predefined groups: Co-Op and Visitors. Check out their permissions to see what they allow and what not. Those groups contain no players. You can create a group by simply clicking on the anvil.

To add players to a group left click on the group while right clicking opens up the permission gui of that group.


A subclaim is a claim inside a claim. Subclaims have their own permission and group sets that override the parent claim they are in (no you cannot create a subclaim inside a subclaim). Subclaim permissions have an additional value “default” instead of just true and false which simply redirects that permission back to the parent claim. To create a subclaim switch to subclaim mode via /flan switchMode. Then use your claiming tool the same way you create a normal claim. Opening the subclaim menu and editing subclaim permissions requires you to be in subclaim mode too.

Personal groups

The 2 predefined groups of a new claim can be overwritten. This is achieved via so called personal groups. Personal groups are playerbound groups to ease in the creation of claim groups so you don’t need to define the same group for each claim everytime. Use /flan personalGroups to open up the personal group gui to edit your personal groups. The gui is operated the same as the normal claim group gui. If you have defined at least one group the default predefined groups will not be applied to new claims anymore.


All commands start with /flan Ex: help for flan is /flan help. So remember this when putting in commands.

help <page> | (cmd <command>)Shows all available commands or info for the given command
menuWhen standing in a claim you have permissions for opens the claim menu
infoPrints info about the claim you’re standing in
deleteDeletes the current claim
deleteAllDeletes all your claims (you need to double type to confirm it so no accidents)
deleteSubClaimDeletes the current subclaim
deleteAllSubClaimsDeletes all subclaim of the current claim
listLists all claims you have. if op also gives ability to list other players claims
switchModeSwitch between normal and subclaim mode
group add|remove <name>Adds/removes the group with that name. Also editable via the claim menu.
group players add|remove <player> [overwrite]Adds/remove a player to the group. if overwrite then will overwrite the players current group else does nothing. Also editable via the claim menu.
transferClaim <player>Gives ownership of the claim to the specified player. only works if you’re the claim owner
add <x y z> <x y z>Creates a claim with the given positions. same as using the claim tool
permission {global | (group <name>) | (personal <name>)} true | false | defaultSets global/group/personal permissions. Also editable via the claim menu (for group perm right click on the group in the menu)
personalGroupsOpens the gui to edit personal groups
trappedIf in a claim not owned by the player attempts to teleport the player out of it after 5 seconds
unlockDropsUnlocks dropped items from death so other players can pick them up too
setHomeStanding in a claim with sufficient permission sets that claims home to the players position
teleport self | admin | (other <player>) (<claim name> | <claim uuid>)Teleport to the given claims home position.
name selfSets the current claims name

All this information was found from https://github.com/Flemmli97/Flan/wiki this is not my mod.